
Schermata 2022-12-20 alle 10.25.16

Award Top of the PID Veneto – Edition 2022

On November 11th, 2022 in Venice, Hiteks receive the TOPofthePID2022 award for innovative projects thath use of digital technologies. Specifically, Hiteks received a special mention for the implementation of an integrated technological solution (software, sensors) capable of monitoring and optimizing the management of the LPG, oil and hydrocarbon distribution process and coordination at the supply chain level.

Video Top of the PID Hiteks:

Microelectronics in Milan: Innovation Night & Techno Day 2013

The Shitek Company is awarded for Smart Meters.

The Innovation Night and Techno Day event was held on 24-25 October at the “Leonardo da Vinci” Museum of Science and Technology in Milan. An event dedicated to innovation and the Italian market, with the presence of Carlo Bozotti, President & CEO of ST, who illustrated the guiding strategies of the company with respect to recent technological solutions for the protection of our planet. Thematic workstations dedicated to the various market sectors and their technologies have been set up for the occasion. Shitek has been awarded for the Smart Meters project.