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Hiteks celebrates 20 years of activity!!!

On the occasion of its 20 years, HITEKS celebrated on April 10 together with its employees and their families: an exciting party designed to celebrate together the success of the big HITEKS family.
During the various activities and the company lunch it was possible to retrace our history through a mix of funny stories and sharing of the challenges faced in the past: a moment of reflection on what we have been and what we will be in view of the great future challenges that the company is planning for the coming years.


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>Watt Elettroforniture 

“Modem GSM per il telecontrollo remoto di impianti, I Read One (PAG.12)

>Watt Elettroforniture 

“Telecontrollo livello serbatoio, ZERO GSM (PAG.15)

>Watt Elettroforniture 

“Regolatore del fattore di potenza, HCR (PAG.15)

Iot Innovator 

Nokia, Vodafone, Telit join to expand the IoT ecosystem using NB-IoT technology”

>Smart Industry 

“Nokia, Vodafone and Telit team up to expand ecosystem using NB-IoT technology”

>Watt Elettroforniture 

“Dispositivo di teledistacco delibera aeeg 4212014 cei 0 16 allegato m – Modem per telelettura delibera 595/2014/R/eel”


“Cronotermostato GSM EASY: telecontrollo GSM per riscaldamento e condizionamento tramite SMS, da Shitek Technology.”

>Pagine Rinnovabili 

“Efficenza Energetica”

>NordEst inserto del Sole24ore

“Soluzioni avanzate di telecontrollo”


“Delibera 421/2014 e sistemi di teledistacco: la soluzione Shitek con il modem Easy”


“Delibera 595/2014/R/eel, modem per telelettura dati dal contatore”