Cod: AC.011.200

ST-CCAST-CCA Remote Meter Units

ST-CCA Remote Meter Units is a precise and reliable heat meter, ideal for use in systems with water as a heating/cooling factor.

It is a perfect solution for heat distribution centers, residential and functional buildings, industrial buildings, etc…

The difference detected by the instrument between the temperature of the water in flow and that in return, combined with the measurement of the volume of water used, measured by a water meter equipped with pulse output, allows to calculate with extreme precision the amount of energy actually used for heating and/or cooling of the user.

ST-CCA is a latest generation instrument, easy to install and use, built with high quality materials, assembled and tested on certified test benches.

The calculation algorithm is certified by the International Authority and Metrologically accurate.

Technical Features

  • Conforms and certified in according to the European Directive 2004/22/CE (MID MI- 004) EN1434 in the field of heat;

  • Simple and intuitive operation using only two keys;
  • Wireless radio transmission from the counter to the GSM concentrator;
  • Possibility of manual configuration of some parameters of the computer using the buttons;
  • WMBUS radio communication module;
  • 1 pulse input for connection to water meters;
  • 2 inputs for temperature probes;
  • 2 impulsive inputs dedicated to domestic hot water and domestic cold water metering;
  • Frontal optical communication interface;
  • Longlife batteries.


  • Order Code: AC.014.403 *(n.2 couples)
  • Type: Welding support for long-stemmed probe holder in cockpit
  • Dimensions: diameter=18mm/ height=18mm
  • Order Code: AC.021.003 *(n.2 couples)
  • Tipo: couple of PT500 probes 2 meters MID for T-pipes