Data collection with Concentrator

The Wireless M-Bus GSM Kubo and Kono Concentrators have the function of collecting and storing the data received from the devices in the field and transferring it to the cloud server. They are equipped with an integrated GPRS modem and send the reading data themselves. The Concentrator is normally installed in the stairwell so that it receives data from all the devices within range and the Concentrator can send the data to any FTP server of the customer.

The main technical features are:

  • Reading, storing and displaying data from heat distributors or heat meters;
  • Send data directly to the WebVision Calore cloud;
  • Possibilità di invio dei dati a sever FTP del cliente (funzionalità soggetta a limitazioni).



TH-1341P_laterale-520x520 copia


kubo-Wireless_o-520x520 copia 2


kono-Wireless_o-520x520 copia